Questions : 100 Marks : 100              Time : 100 Minutes


Questions : 30 SCIENCE       Marks : 30

1. We get the virtual image by a concave mirror, when the object is placed at ( )

a. Between P & F b. Between F & C c. At Infinity d. Beyond C

2. Magnification of a Convex lens is ( )

a. B.   C. m=V=u D. m=u-v

3. The distance between the eye lens and retina is ( )

A. 2 cm B. 2.5 cm C. 3 cm D. 1.5 cm

4. __________ enables pupils to act as a ‘variable’ aperture for entry of light into the eye (   )

A. Cornea B. Retina C. Ciliary Muscles D. Iris

5. Rainbow is formed by the phenomenon of the light ( )

A. Reflection B. Refraction

C. Diffraction D. Total Internal Reflection

6. The S.I. unit of resistancy is ( )

A. B. Ohm-meter C. D. Volt-meter

7. Which of the following converts electrical into Mechanical energy ( )

A. Motor B. Battery C. Generator D. Switch

8. Which of the following is not true for refraction ( )

A. During refraction frequency of light doesn’t

B. When light ray moves from denser medium to rarer medium the angle of refraction is greaterthan angle of Incidence.

C. During refraction the light always bends at the Interface of two medium.

D. A fish in a pond appears closer than’s it’s original distance when viewed from top of the point.

9. The SI unit of current is ( )

A. Volt B. Watt C. Ampere D. Coulomb

10. The resistivity of a Semi-Conductor ( )

A. Increases as the temperature increases B. Decreases as the temperature increases

C. remains constant even when the temperature varies

D. none of the above

11. The value of gram molar volume ( )

A. 6.023X1023 lit B. 22.4 lit C. 273 lit D. 760 lit

12. The substance used in the glass Industry ( )

A. Bleaching powder B. Borax C. Plaster of Paris D. Washing soda

13. The formula of Gypsum ( )

A. CaSO4.2H2O B. CaSO4 H2O C. CuSO4. 5H2O D. Na2CO3. 10 H2O

14. Which of the following doesn’t conduct electricity ( )

A. Hard Water B. Salt water C Mineral Water D. Distilled water

15. Which of the following is a metalloid ( )

A. Sodium B. Magnesium C. Nitrogen D. Silicon

16. Which of the following is an electron deficient molecules ( )

A. CH4 B. NH3 C. BF3 D. H20

17. Number of elements present I period-2 of the long form of the periodic table ( )

A. 2 B. 8 C. 18 D. 32

18. Choose the correct statements relating to properties of covalent compound ( )

1. The covalent compounds don’t exist as ions but exist as molecules.

2. The melting & boiling points of covalent compound are generally low.

3. These are poor conductors of electricity in the fused dissolved state.

4. These are generally insoluble in water & in other polar solvents

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4

19. The general electronic configuration of ‘d’-block elements is ( )

A. ns1-ns2 B. ns2-ns2np1

C. (n-1)d1-5 ns1-2 D. (n-1)d1-10 ns1-2

20. An element X23 forms ionic compound with another element ‘X’ then the change on the ion formed by X is ( )

A. +1 B. +2 C. -1 D. -2

21. Annelids are _________ animals ( )

A. Eucoelomate B. Coelomate

C. Psendo Coelomate D. None

22. 1) Lungs (    ) a) Solid Waste

2) Stan (    ) a) Nitrogenous Wastes

3) Large intestive (    ) a) CO2, H2O

4) Kidney (    ) a) Sults, Wastes

Identity the currently – Matched pairs ( )

A. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d B. 1-b, 2-1, 3-c, 4-d

C. 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b D. 1-a, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b

23. Closing of stomata is the function of ( )

A. Cytokinin B. Abscisic Acid C. Auxin D. Ethylene

24. During respiration CO2 is usually transported as ( )

A. Hydrozide B. bicor bonate C. Nitrates D. Carbonates

25. After child birth the lymph llike fluid secreted by mammary glandb is ( )

A. Closridium B. Cobstrum C. Milk D. None

26. When protains gets dominated in liver the product formed is ( )

A. Ammonia B. Lactic Acid C. Bili guice D. Urea

27. Write missing words (A) and (B) from following flow chart ( )

Injured tissue   ------à  A ----à Prothrombin

Platelets ------à Thrombin -----à B ---à Clot

A. Thrombokinare Fibrin B. Prothrombin Fibrin

C. Fibrein Clot D. Thrombokinarve

28. Indentify the correct Sequence ( )

A. Prepharve --àAnaphorve--àTelophare--àMetaphase

B. Propharve--àMetaphase--àArophase--àTelophase

C. Metophase--àTelephase--àProphase--àAnaphase

D. propharve--àAnapharve--àMetaphare--àTelophorve

29. The Hormone that is responsible for suppression of hanger ( )

A. Leptin B. Ghrelin C. Thyroxins D. Cortisol

30. Ox of the allele is dominant over other ‘This law is knows as ( )

A. Law of segregation B. Law of independent assortment

C. Law of dominance D. Law of natural Selection


Questions : 20                  ENGLISH       Marks : 20

31. I felt cold and bitter.  I hated it ……………. ( )

What does the underlined phrase mean ?

A. Joyful B. Shivering C. surprised D. upset

32. The Potter believed that something was the reason for all his troubles what was it ? ( )

A. The potter’s wife B. The potter’s ability to handle things

C. His donkey D. His stupidity

33. Who is the poet of the poem “Another Woman” ? ( )

A. Dr. Suraya Nasim B. Ms. Imtiaz Dharker

C. Sarojini Naidu D. Rabindranath Tagore

34. Savitri was offered a role in the film but was finally dropped because ______ ( )

A. She was nervous B. She looked too old

C. She looked too young D. She had little experience.

35. ‘Easy rats’ means here ( )

A. Easily available rats B. Lazy rats

C. The rats that more easily D. The rats that are caught easily

36. Give the synonym of valiant ( )

A. Very happy B. So good C. Very brare D. Great

37. Sindhu is very ______about her choice ( )

A. Clear visited B. Clear crystal C. Clear sighed   D. Clearly

38. The never never nest play is _____ ( )

A. Surprising B. Wonderful

C. didactic and thematic D. Conceptual

39. The French Canadian priest who came to India to meet Ray was ( )

A. Gaston Roberge B. Satyajith Ray

C. None D. Justin Trom

40. Who is the living museum piece referred to in the Eassy “Rendezuous with Ray ? ( )

A. Apu B. Ray C. Tagore D. Museum piece

41. Choose the right synonym of “hostility” ( )

A. friendship B. enmity C. revenge D. welcome

42. What type of text Genre is Environment ? ( )

A. An essay B. A drama C. An interview D. A story

43. People speak English all over the world ( )

(Choose right question tag)

A. Does they B. Do they C. Didn’t they ? D. Don’t they ?

44. ‘Stepping stone’ means ________ ( )

A. Courage and faith B. Fear and doubt

C. Age and experience D. Humility

45. I finished my project work several days ______the deadline choose the correct compound prepositional phrase ( )

A. Instead of B. Ahead of C. In spite of D. Due to

46. I am expecting an this Christmas – What does ‘ten’ refer to ? ( )

A. A ten shilling rise in his salary B. An installment to be paid by Jack

C. A ten pound rise in his Salary          D. The last month installment paid by jack last year

47. The baby was crying because __________ ( )

A. It was abandonded B. Mosquitoes were eating fingers

C. Bacteria was attacking it D. it was scared

48. ________fire ring  the alarm bell ( )

(Choose the right word from the options)

A. In spite of B. In case of C. In place of D. In ahead of

49. Which religion did Boyaji embraze ? ( )

A. Hinduism B. Buddhism C. Mahar D. Dallit  

50. Socrates has become renowned for his contribution to the field of ______ ( )

A. Ethics B. Songs C. Literature D. Science

Questions : 25                      MATHS       Marks : 25

51. If  then = _________ ( )

A. 2.42 B. 13.42 C. 42.42 D. 4.242

52. The identify element under union of sets is ( )

A. M B. {O} C. D. None

53. Parallelogram Circum cribing a circle is a ( )

A. Parallelogram B. Rhombus C. Circle D. None

54. Perimeter of a Semi circle is _______ Units ( )

A. B. C. D. None

55. If a = 23X3, b = 2X3X5, C=3n5 and LCM (a, b, c) = 23X5X32, then n = ( )

A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4

56. If n is natural number then 92n_42n is always divisible by ( )

A. 5 B. 13 C. both 5 and 13 D. 4

57. Cardinal Number of null set is ( )

A. B. O C. 1 D. 2

58. If A, b are disjoint sets such that, n (A) = 4 and n(AUB)=7, then n (B) = ( )

A. 4 B. 11 C. 3 D. 20

59. If one zero of the polynomial p(x)=(K2+4)x2+13x is reciprocal of the other then K = ( )

A. 2 B. -2 C. 1 D. -1

60. If , ,  are the zeros of the polynomial p(x)=ax3+bx2+Cx+d, then = ( )

A. - B. C. - D. -

61. If the system of equations 3x+Y=1 and (2k-1)x+(k-1)y=2k+1 is inconsistent the K= ( )

A. 2 B. O C. -1 D. 1

62.    ( )

A. B. C. D.

63. If P and q are both roots of equation x2-px+q=0 then ( )

A. P=1, q=-2 B P=O, q=1 C. P=-2, q=O D. P=-2, q=1

64. If the sum and product of the roots of the equation Kx2+6x+4k=0 are equal, then K= ( )

A. B. C. - D. -

65. In an equilateral triangle ABC if AD  BC, then AD2 = ( )

A. CD2 B. 3CD2 C. 2CD2 D. 4CD2

66. If Sec+tan=x, then tan = ( )

A. B. C. D.

67. If tan then = ( )

A. B. C. D.

68. If a 1.5m tall girls stands at a distance of 3m from a lamp – post and costs a shadow of length 4.5m on the ground, then the height of the lamp post is ( )

A. 2m B. 2.5m C. 1.5m D. 2.8m

69. The ladder makes an angle of 600 with the ground when placed against a wall.  If the foot of the ladder is 2m way from the wall, then the length of the ladder is ( )

A. 24 B. 16 C. D. 4

70. For a frequency distribution mean, median, the more are corrected by the relation ( )

A. Mode = 3 mean – 2 median B. Mode =2 Median – 3 Mean

C. Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean D. Mode = 3 Median +– 2 Mean

71. If 35 is removed from the data : 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.  Then the median increases by( )

A. 1.5 B. 0.5 C. 1 D. 1.5

72. If the diagonal of square is 7 then its area is ( )

A. 28 cm2 B. 14cm2 C. 21 cm2 D. 49 cm2

73. The diagonals of a rhombus are 24cm and 32cm, then its perimeter is ( )

A. 80 cm B. 45 cm C. 38.4 cm D. 56 cm

74. Median of 3, 8, 5, 11, 10, 14, x, 21 is 5 + x/2 then which of the following is true. ( )

A. 8 < x B. x > 10 C. x < 0 D. Option A & C

75. The number of tangents can be drawn from a point inside the circle to it is ( )

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

Questions : 25    SOCIAL STUDIES & GK       Marks : 25

76. The world is divided into two major ideological blocks are ___ ( )

A. Communist - Impunalism B. Communist-Capatalist

B. Communist – Socialist   C. Democratic - Captalist

77. As per March 27th 2019, The wettest place of the world is _____ ( )

A. Mewssynma B. Tutuneda

B. Crop River-Newzeland D. None of these

78. The world wettest temperature is ______ ( )

A. Atacama B. Thar Desert

C. Sahara Desert D. None of these above

79. ______ The Swami Vivekananda was born in ______ ( )

A. 12th January 1902 B. 12th June 1904

C. 12th July 1912 D. 12th January 1912

80. Indira Gandhi canal is the longest canal in the country with ____ ( )

A. 65 km B. 650 km C. 750 km    D. None of these above

81. Emigration Act was pass in _____ ( )

A. 1983 B. 1986 C. 1984 D. 1981

82. Narmada Bachao Andolan was led by _____ ( )

A. Baba Ramdev B. Sunderlal Bahuguna

C. Medha Patkar D. Anna Hazare

83. Anti Nuclear war movement period___ ( )

A. 1960 to 70 B. 1970 to 1980

C. 1980 to 1990 D. None of these above

84. Belgium Capital City ( )

A. Brussels B. Bodafest C. Hungary D. Corsika

85. In the year 1976 Article of the constitution of India various provisions for settlement of through Lokadalat ( )

A. Article-29A B. Article-39A C.Artilce-49A D. Article-50A

86. The countries that attended realized.  The effect of Green House Gases and Signed a declaration called ( )

A. Green House Effect B. Global Warming

B. C. Green Revolution D. Kyoto Protocol

87. The Grass lands of the Africa is Called _____ ( )

A. Steppes B. Savannahs C. Prayeries D. Reldule

88. The hard Top of the earth part is called ______ ( )

A. Mantel B. Crust C. Inner core D. Outer core

89. At present ____ of people working in the unorganized sector ( )

A. 92% B.8% C. 91% D. 75%

90. Operation “Blue Star” and assassination of Indira Gandhi ( )

A. 1984 B. 1992 C. 1998 D. 1980

91. Below given persons are working in the field of Administrative services add his respective designation ( )

i)  Sunil Arora a) Supreme Court of India

ii) Sharad Arvind Bobde b) National Security Advisor to the PM

iii) Ajith Dovel c) Head of the Three forces

iv) Ramanth Kovid d) Chief Election Commissioner of India

e) Chief Election Commissioner of Telangana

A. B. C. D.

92. The Actor who received “Dadha Saheb Palke” Award for the year of 2019 ( )

A. Nana Pathekar B. Amithab Bachan C. Prabhas D. Mahesh Babu

93. The first woman Prime Minister and woman President of India_____ ( )

A. Indira Gandhi-Shila Dekshith B. Indira Gandhi-Sarojini Naidu

C. Indira Gandhi-Prathibha Patel                D. Thirimuva Bandar Nayak-Shila Deekshith

94. The youngest Girl to receive “Nobel Peace” Prize ____ ( )

A. Dalailama B. Malala C. Sania D. Najmahetulla

95. Expand “NATO” ( )

A. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

B. North Atlantic Territory Organisation

C. North Anti Terrorist Organisatin

D. None of the above

96. As per the November 2019, How many Union Territories are there in India ( )

A. 07 B. 05 C. 09 D. None of the above

97. Do or Die Slogan is associated with ( )

     A. Mahatma Gandhi   B. Bala Gangadhar Tilak

C. Indira Gandhi D. Dr. Abdul Kalam

98. Lal Bahadur Shastri is famous with this slogan ( )

A. Jai Bharath B. Jai Jawaan – Jai Kisaan

C. Bharath Chodo D. Maro Firangi ko

99. The invent of the worlds first full body scanner MRI scanner is ( )

A. Fraseriburg B. Ernst Ruska C. James Hutinson D. None

100. Inventor of LED bulb ( )

A. Ernest Rusk B. Shuji Nakamura C. Edison D. None

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