SEMS Olympiad Scholarships

SGCSS (SEMS Girl Child Scholarship Scheme)

SEMS is pleased to annouce the "Girl Child Scholarship Scheme" 2022 -2023. Under SEMS SGCSS. SEMS awards education scholarships worth Rs:5000 eachto girl children in India who are academically inclined and come form financially weaker sections of The society.

SDAS (SEMS Defence Academician Services Scholarship)

SEMS is pleased to annouce the "SEMS Defence Services Academician Scholarship" 2022-2023. Under DSAS SEMS Provides cash award / Scholarship pf Rs: 5000/ to individual academically brilliant Indian students from serving or retired Defence services / Internal Security Services families.

SAES (SEMS Academic Excellence Scholarship)

The objective of SEMS AES is to promote all-round academic development among students. The scholarship recognises performance of students who achieve excellence in Olympiad exams in different subjects and provides cash award scholarship of Rs: 5000/ each student

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